

LASH ARTIST致力於為您提供最美麗的睫毛延伸,同時保持您自然睫毛的健康和完整性。我們認證的Lash造型師的綜合知識和經驗保證您將獲得適合您特定形象,眼睛形狀和生活方式的完美外觀。我們真正關心您和您的睫毛,並以成為行業中的佼佼者而自豪。我們的誓言是超越您的期望,並始終追求完美。

Clean PRIVACY Safety

Lash Artist is a lash salon solely dedicated to eyelash treatments. All products are imported from Japan, and have the relevant safety, anti-allergic and anti-bacterial certifications.

All eyelash artists have many years of experience. After you have booked the treatment online, you will fill a consultation form in the establishment, in order to get the right set of eyelashes based on your eye shape and desired design.


All treatments are then conducted in separate rooms, with tools thoroughly disinfected in a specific UV disinfection machine. Each guest will also be clean with disinfectant spray before using the room.